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How to do a browser hard-refresh?

Sometimes we may request you to do a hard refresh your browser for debug purpose.

All Browsers

Press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+F5 for a hard refresh.

Google Chrome

You need to press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+Shift+F5. Although some have reported this works, others have said it does not work correctly

The JavaScript Console is available in two modes within Chrome DevTools: the primary Console tab, or as a split-view you can display while on another tab (such as Elements or Sources).

To open the Console tab, do one of the following:

Use the keyboard shortcut Command - Option - J (Mac) or Control -Shift -J (Windows/Linux). Select View > Developer > JavaScript Console.

F12 doesn't appear to be mentioned here but will open this console as well.

Source: How can I do a Cache Refresh in Google Chrome?